Saturday, February 25, 2012


I got to ride this beautiful boy again today :) Brad gave Tim a new drill to work on flying lead changes though, and it just wasn't connecting...with me or Reggie :) His stops have improved drastically, and it feels so good to ride a good slide again!!

And, Molly actually got loped today for the first time!!! That was pretty cool; a little under a month ago, she was known as 'the killer,' and now she's a doll!!

And, Design, Joy, Candy, Cameo, DD, Dream, Lily, Beamer and Bri all got worked today...Linda is doing a fantastic job with Candy. I love seeing progress/improvement in my horses!!

He looks like a halter horse here....I just walked Design around the corner, and he grew about 3 feet taller and wider :)

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