Sunday, January 23, 2011

Agility Trial

The reason we went to the agility trial was to watch Meeka, Joy/Magi puppy run. She got two q's!! (qualifying runs so she can move up from novice need three q's to move up from a class...) She looked (and did) really good!!!
My job....setting up and moving the obstacles around. I was feeling TERRIBLE to ☺
The teeter totter ☺ for dogs...high speed dogs!!
Over the first jump headin for the
Splash dog trials. This dog holds the world record at 30 some foot jump!
Where'd the dog go?? Now you see the reason for the name "SPLASH dog" ☺ lol
The Border Collies were AMAZING!

It was really neat,,,there was Splash Dog trials, Agility Trials (3 fields), herding, lures, and flyball. There was EVERY SINGLE KIND OF DOG imaginable it was really cool!


Hope said...

Hey . We were there last year . We took cisco . hah . thats were that one picture of him showing was at . lol . ;D
Thats cool . (:
Looks like fun . ;D

Jessie said...

Oh wow that's reallly neat! How did he do? Any Q's??? Our girl got out of Novice into Open this time!!! She did great ♥

Jessie said...

Was it at Rawhide?

Anonymous said...

haha . He did good for an old man . He didnt place . it was more just for fun .
& cool .